Seven Ways to Be Supportive of Someone with Celiac Disease

Welcome to my first blog on GlutenFreeWeek! It’s about living with or around someone you
know who has celiac disease.

It’s an important topic, so from time to time when I discover a new tip or trick to make life easier,
I’ll blog about it. I also welcome any comments or information you would like to share.
You yourself may not have celiac disease; maybe you’re a family member, like me, or a
companion, or just a friend who cares about someone and wants to help. As such, you probably
don’t really understand how difficult it is for someone with celiac, but you know it’s not easy.
In this first blog, I wanted to start with the most important things first since living gluten free is a
marathon and not a sprint. So, the number one most important thing you can do is to be

That said, here are seven ways you can be supportive:

1) Listen to how celiac disease has had, and will always have, an impact on his or her life.

2) Learn as much as you can about gluten and celiac disease and share that knowledge.

3) Understand that eating gluten free is imperative to the health and well being of the person.

4) Learn what foods are and are not gluten free.

5) Don’t complain about extra effort in finding and preparing gluten-free
food or seeking gluten-free restaurants and establishments.

6) Be flexible and open in trying out new methods, recipes, and tastes.

7) Be empathetic and never ever say, “you’re lucky it can be treated with diet."

Living with celiac disease is a challenge for everyone, so get with the program.